:: Narrow-minded simpleton ::

"... He chose to walk that road out of His love for you and me. Down the Via Dolorosa all the way, to Calvary."
Billy Graham: How to become a Christian
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Clueless Men
R U Halfborn?
So, sin = bad?
Fire of Harry Potter
Human Cloning?

:: Sunday, December 22, 2002 ::

Just wanted to check in in my narrow-minded way and say,

Merry CHRISTmas!

:: Julie 12/22/2002 01:18:00 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, November 04, 2002 ::
I've not been blogging for so long, I don't know where to start!

The main reason I have not blogged is that my company has really cracked down on non-work-related use of our computers, so that pretty much takes about 11 hours out of my day that I can't blog (that includes the travel time to and from work).

Also, my evenings and weekends have been pretty full lately, so I don't really get the chance to blog when I'm at home.

To top it all off, as I go through the week making note of comments I might have on current events, by the time I can get to a place to record my thoughts, I've already forgotten what I wanted to write about. And if I write a thought down, I invariable lose the paper its written on...

I need one of those wearable computers, or some small Dick Tracy-type wrist device so I could record stuff as I think of it. But then again, those type devices are not allowed at my work place, either.

One thing I would like to proclaim: Go Vote tomorrow!

:: Julie 11/04/2002 05:27:00 AM [+] ::
:: Monday, September 23, 2002 ::
My first reaction was, "people like that do not deserve to have children." My next reaction was to inflict the same punishment on her as she did her 4-year-old child.

You've probably heard of the mother in Illinois that was caught on videotape allegedly beating her daughter and pulling her hair. And, guess what? She also has two sons. What kind of punishment could they have received? What kind of scars might they carry?

So, what do we as a society do to prevent the harm of innocent children? What about taking care of our widows? Our orphans? There are many worthy programs out there, secular and religious based, to help people work through problems that cause them to harm others.

But is that enough? Are all of the 12 step programs, the Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, the abuse survivor gatherings getting the job done in helping people become better citizens, better caretakers of the innocent?

I say they are doing their job if they are hitting at the core issue: our sin. From Adam and Eve in the Garden to today, mankind and womankind have willfully chosen to do things that cause harm to the innocent and noninnocent alike. What is sin? It is the willful act of a man or woman that violates God's law as described in the Bible. God knows what is best for we humans, and when we transgress His commandments, we end up hurting ourselves and each other.

And the innocent suffer the most.

:: Julie 9/23/2002 09:44:00 AM [+] ::
:: Sunday, September 15, 2002 ::
I haven't posted in a while because I've been bummed out and stressed over my cat, Biz, and her struggle with cancer.

She lost that struggle this morning at 10:20 Eastern.

Biz, my beloved.

:: Julie 9/15/2002 08:36:00 AM [+] ::
:: Saturday, September 07, 2002 ::
Yesterday evening began the observance of Rosh Hashanah, the start of the High Holy Days for the Jewish people. This is a time of reflection, of pentinance, of the sounding of the Shofar every day and culminates on Yom Kippur.

Why is it that Jews are so hated by almost every people group on the planet? Is it because they are wise business owners? Because they are perceived as greedy? Because they are perceived as stingy? There are many stereotypes that come to mind as I think of the Jewish people.

I strongly believe the underlying cause of it all is that the Jews are God's chosen people and everyone else is not. Thus, everyone else, at their core, is jealous. Envious that a Holy God would pick them and not us to bring knowledge of the Creator to all people of the Earth.

Well, truth hurts.

Does that mean we should hate the messenger? That Jews, being chosen by God, should bear the brunt of worldwide shunning, terror attacks and general dislike? I say emphatically, "No!" Because God in His wisdom not only chose the Jewish people to bring knowledge of Him to the world, but He also in His mercy allows non-Jews to come into His kingdom through the blood of His Son, the King of the Jews. And calls unto His Jewish people to also enter His kingdom through Y'shua Hamashiach, Jesus Christ.

Thus we should be infinitely thankful for the Jewish people. Without them, God would not have revealed Himself to the world. Sure, He could have revealed Himself, and does every day through His creation, but what better way to point to God except through a people group that He chose Himself?

As observant Jews observe the High Holy Days, let us who are not Jewish reflect and repent on the sinful thoughts we have toward our Jewish friends, family and acquaintences. Let's pray that the Holy Spirit moves mightily as Jews seek repentance for their sins. God has provided a Way out from under the curse of sin...through the acceptance of His Son, Jesus, into our sinful hearts.

:: Julie 9/07/2002 06:46:00 AM [+] ::
Happy Birthday, Earth!

How does it feel to be 5,763 years old? What?? Some people think the Earth is older than that? What in the world is the matter with them?? The Bible is quite clear that the Earth is < 6,000 years old. Why would anyone believe the contrary?

Ah, science. Yes, science. The same science that has changed the age of the Earth many, many different times. Is it 5 billion years old? 4.5? 4.86? The same science that is desparately trying to find the "missing link" between our so-called ape ancestors and homo sapiens. The missing link has not been found because it does not exist. Science will do and search for anything that explains our origins apart from a Holy God.

On this birthday of the planet we call Earth, our home, let's reflect on the goodness of the One who created it all.

:: Julie 9/07/2002 06:27:00 AM [+] ::
:: Monday, September 02, 2002 ::
What does the King of Saudia Arabia and his royal family do on holiday?

Apparently, he and his entourage spend $5M per day (yes, that is 5 followed by 6 zeros!) in the Spanish coastal resort of Marbella.

Not only that, but "As usual, Saudi princes and princesses are expected to snap up Hermes scarves and Rolex watches by the display case, slap down millions of dollars on roulette tables and boogie into the night with the bejeweled blondes at the Olivia Valere discotheque. It's a lifestyle strictly prohibited in Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islam..."

As an evangelical Christian, I either follow Jesus wholeheartedly or I don't. I have the same behaviours whether I'm at work, at play or at home. I don't "put my Christianity in my pocket" every Sunday after church, but I leave it on my sleeve for all to see (the good and the bad).

So, what's up with the Saudis? Are they followers of Mohammed (pbuh) or what? Are they Muslim only in the 5 parts of the day that is designated call to prayer time?

And then, get this quote from a Saudi royal family member, "He [the Saudi royal family member] refuses to believe that any of the hijackers were Saudi citizens, though 15 of the 19 were, and insists the attacks were a plot arranged by the Israelis and the CIA. 'Do you know how many Jews in the World Trade Center didn't go to work that day?'"

This royal family member may just be one bad apple, but I somehow doubt it. The US needs to stop supporting Saudi Arabia and find other sources of oil so that we are not dependent upon (the word hostage also comes to mind) the people from the same country who bankrolled a large part of the 9/11 attacks and also had a telethon to raise money for the families of the Palestinian homicide bombers.

The US needs to get out of Saudi Arabia and we need out now.

:: Julie 9/02/2002 06:07:00 AM [+] ::
:: Monday, August 26, 2002 ::
Throw the baby out with the birth water.

If you are a female newborn in China, this could happen to you.

Male babies are prized in China because they will grow up to help in the fields; subsequently, female babies are left to die in trash bins due to China's one-child-per-family policy.

In a way, it is a good concept for China to try to limit the number of Chinese mouths to feed, but this whole concept is backfiring. Why? As we know, it does take two to tango, and in the future, the prized male babies that grew to adulthood will not have a female with which to marry and have a baby. Unencumbered males will roam the streets in search of things to do. Crime, problems and homosexual behaviour can only follow.

Is that really what China wants? What it will cause is even more oppression as Chinese authorities put the clamps down on these overpopulous men. And the Chinese will suffer even more. Without hope, because God is not allowed.

There are some that help through the adoption of Chinese orphans. I have a friend at work that has done that very thing. But real change is not going to come in China until God is allowed in and all life is valued.

Pray for evangelical missionaries in China!

:: Julie 8/26/2002 09:46:00 AM [+] ::
:: Thursday, August 22, 2002 ::
With the Sept 11 anniversary coming up, I wondered how much hype there would be over it. I was hoping it would be a quiet, still, respectable kind of hype.

So far, it seems to be.

Here's a site about Sept 11 that I've enjoyed perusing.

Never forget.

:: Julie 8/22/2002 09:07:00 AM [+] ::
:: Friday, August 16, 2002 ::
So, the major league baseball players have decided to strike starting Aug 30.

My thought is, "Who cares? I stopped following MLB in 1994 when they struck then." Idiots. They're getting the chance to play sports for a living, which is not a chance I have at all being a 40 year old female, and they're whining because they don't get enough money.

Greedy idiots.

:: Julie 8/16/2002 12:15:00 PM [+] ::
Police say every single one of his ribs was broken. His left leg was also broken. As was his left arm.

He died of pneumonia brought on by his injuries.

And he was a three month old infant.

It gets worse. There are signs that he was sodomized.

How could something so horrible, so almost unspeakable, happen? How could the father of this baby have allegedly done this to his own flesh and blood?

It is because the father of this baby did not value life. He did not value the beautiful creation that his son was; a special creation in the image of God. If mothers can abort a living child from within a womb, what is the difference in killing a 3 month old infant? None.

Fathers, love your sons and daughters. Mothers, don't murder your children in the womb.

Pretty simple, if you ask me.

:: Julie 8/16/2002 05:56:00 AM [+] ::
:: Saturday, August 10, 2002 ::

I just ordered a 2003 PT Cruiser Turbo! (a.k.a. GT Cruiser)

Cranberry, Auto-stick, moonroof, standard wheels, supplemental side air bags, driver's seat height adjuster, cloth seats. No leather seats, no chrome wheels, thankyouverrymuch.

Pretty early for me to already be having a mid-life crisis since I just turned 40 yesterday, right?

Hmmm. Gotta go pray about that!

:: Julie 8/10/2002 01:25:00 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, August 06, 2002 ::
Another baby has lost her right to live.

The decision by a Pennsylvania judge that issued an injunction against a 23 year old woman having an abortion was dissolved by another Pennsylvania judge. The woman can now abort her baby over the protests of the baby's father. (See my blog entry from yesterday for more info).

"A woman's right to have an abortion 'is not subject to being vetoed by a woman's husband or partner,' said [the judge], who is based in eastern Pennsylvania's Luzerne County. 'Neither an ex-boyfriend nor a fetus has standing to interfere with a woman's choice to terminate her pregnancy.' "

Let's see. That would make this woman and other women who choose to abort their babies the equivalent of God. That's because only God has the right to create or destroy life and this judge has upheld that this woman has the choice to destroy life even over the objections of others personally and intimately involved in that life.

And women only thought that they were oppressed by the patriarchy. They have the power to choose to kill! That's not oppression, that is complete "freedom."

With a woman's supremely powerful choice, another baby has lost her right to live. Another father has lost out on being called "Daddy."

And God weeps. And so should we.

:: Julie 8/06/2002 04:11:00 AM [+] ::
:: Monday, August 05, 2002 ::
One would think that they think it is the stupidest decision ever made by a judge.

A judge in Philadelphia has ruled that a 23 year old woman cannot abort her 10 week old fetus. Allegedly, the mother of the 23 year old woman is encouraging her daughter to abort the child because she does not like the father.

Abortion rights activists are contending that the judge is usurping the woman's right to choice. "It absolutely stunned me when this happened; it's clearly an error as a matter of law," [Elizabeth Cavendish, legal director for the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League] said. "You wonder what judge in this country is unaware that women in this country have the right to choice."

Let's look at that last part for a second. A woman's right to choice. What's the choice? To abort her baby. Some would say, "But it is her own body and she can do with it what she wishes." Um, that may be the law of this land, but there are other bodies involved in this choice of hers.

Not only is there the body of her 10 week old fetus, who is busy in the womb swallowing and kicking, but in this case brought before the Pennsylvania judge, there is the body (and rights) of the father of the child involved.

So, this choice involves more than her own body. Therefore, it is not as simple as some abortion rights activists would make it out to be.

Choosy mothers choose life!

:: Julie 8/05/2002 05:38:00 AM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 ::
Um, my 40th birthday is coming up on August 9.

So stinking what, you say?

Well...I mean...it is 40 , you know!


But then again, I'm closer to being face to face with Jesus than I've ever been.


:: Julie 7/31/2002 02:38:00 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 ::
My cat, Zach, likes to eat cantaloupe.

And he eats it without putting pepper on it! How utterly vogue.

:: Julie 7/30/2002 06:07:00 PM [+] ::
:: Thursday, July 25, 2002 ::
One can't legislate morality.

I don't care how many new laws, rules and regulations are created because of the Enron/Adelphi/WorldCom scandals, people in power will continue to use and abuse their situations for their own personal gain.

After all, if a President of the most powerful country on the planet can do it and get away with it, why can't everyone else?

I know, I know, leave Clinton alone, the poor devil has suffered enough. Uh huh. Right. Do you know how much he makes now as a speaker? In a worldly sense, he is not suffering.

My point is: there is no right or wrong, no moral high ground to stand on anymore. I've heard it said, "What you claim to be truth may not be truth for me. I can be the CEO of a company and use company funds for my own personal gain, and although that's not right for you, it's sure right for me. I have no one to answer to but myself. Well, and lots of lawyers if I get caught."

And yet, what lots of relative moralistic subscribers are missing is that at one day, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. So, if one does't answer for one's deeds, good and bad, on this Earth, one surely will one day. And this is Truth, absolute truth because it comes from the highest Authority, God - even if that God is not acknowledged or believed in.

Absolute right and wrong does exist, whether one chooses to believe it does or not. Even some atheists acknowledge that some things are right and some are wrong. Where did those right and wrong tendencies come from if there is no God, no higher authority than man?

And each person needs to choose to follow these rules of right and wrong within his or her heart, instead of those rules being imposed by legislation.

:: Julie 7/25/2002 10:43:00 AM [+] ::
:: Thursday, July 18, 2002 ::
Your assignment for today: Learn more about Tisha B'av, the day when the people lament the date of the destruction of both the First and Second Temples, with the subsequent loss of national sovereignty and exile from the Holy Land.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!

:: Julie 7/18/2002 12:04:00 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 ::
Maturity (or lack thereof). Selfishness/pride. Fear.

I struggle mightily with all three of these!

I feel like such an immature Christian. I'm not in the Word every day like I should be, and I most of the time can't logically defend my faith on even a basic level in conversation with others.

Part of my selfishness is because I'm an only child (of an only child) and thus I was always got whatever I wanted (and more), so I expect it now, and when I don't get what I want and more, I pout or get angry or hurt or prideful.

And I'm irrationally fearful at times of different things; losing my husband suddenly to an accident (but he's not accident-prone, or anything), hypervigilantly looking for deer to jump in my car path in the dawn hours as I drive to work, and constantly wondering if I'm being a good witness for Christ to the point of self-absorption.

So, with my eternal future solidly in the Hands of Jesus Christ, Who has already taken my sins of immaturity, pride, selfishness and fear (to name just a few) upon Himself and forgiven me only because I trusted Him to His Word and asked Him into my heart, why do I struggle so mightily with this stuff still?

Am I human or something?

"Pride ends in humiliation, while humility brings honor." Proverbs 29:23.

Help me, Oh Lord Jesus. I want to honor You.

:: Julie 7/09/2002 10:43:00 AM [+] ::
:: Thursday, July 04, 2002 ::
Jesus is coming soon! He's closer than He's ever been, right?

Well, at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, the wall itself is weeping! Apparently this is fairly common in the Winter, but has not happened in Summer before.

With the upcoming (on 7/18) Tisha B'av fast commemorating the first and second destruction of the Temple, some Orthodox Jews are suggesting that Messiah may be coming soon, and the weeping Wailing Wall is a sign of that.

R U Ready?

Come Lord Jesus!

:: Julie 7/04/2002 03:12:00 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 ::
I was just out back, near our small ponds, watching our shubunkins eat.

They are sooooo beautiful!

There was a wonderful breeze, albeit warm, on this 93 degree day in East Tennessee and thunder rumbled amicably in the distance (we need rain, badly)!

And then it hit me.

God is so creative!

How wonderful is His world, His creation, in which blue, orange and brown (all on one fish) combine with an angelic wing-like fanned tail to produce something so pretty, so striking, that it just made me stop in my tracks for minutes on end, marveling all the way!

How wonderful is He!

:: Julie 7/02/2002 04:29:00 PM [+] ::
:: Friday, June 28, 2002 ::
OK, now the judge stayed his own ruling on the Pledge!

Was it the outrage expressed by so many? Was it a hint of the Holy Spirit breathing on him?

I'm guessing the former. I'm hoping it's the latter.

And let's keep praying for Michael Newdow, the "atheist" who brought this suit to court on behalf of his daughter. Speaking of whom, we need to definitely pray for her, too, that she would come to know the love of Jesus, just as Madelyn Murray O'Hair's son, William, also came to know the love of Jesus.

:: Julie 6/28/2002 04:10:00 AM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 ::
This is beyond ridiculous, but what should I expect from the courts of this country?:


"SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A federal appeals court ruled Wednesday that the Pledge of Allegiance is an unconstitutional endorsement of religion and cannot be recited in schools. "

What's next?? Steel wool for everyone so we can rub, "In God We Trust" off all our coins?

Maybe I'd better not write that too loudly; someone will take that steel wool thought and run with it...right through our court system.

BTW, here's the website of the gentleman who brought the case before the federal appeals court.

This country needs prayer; God will surely continue to withdraw His blessing on us as we continue to turn from Him in our deeds, thoughts, and yes, the words of our school children.

I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America. And to the Republic, for which it stands; one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

:: Julie 6/26/2002 11:53:00 AM [+] ::
:: Monday, June 24, 2002 ::
We have WorldChangers in our midst this week in Knoxville, TN.

They are a group of Southern Baptist high school students from Georgia and South Carolina who gave up a week of their summer vacation to travel to Knoxville and not only offer the Love of Christ Jesus, but they will be doing construction work like roofing, painting and remodeling for low-income houses.

Let's pray for their safety and for paths to be paved to Jesus for the house resident and the neighborhood people!

:: Julie 6/24/2002 04:14:00 AM [+] ::
:: Monday, June 17, 2002 ::
I've started a separate blog to chronicle the walk into deeply hurtful times as I deal with my cat, Biz, and her malignant cancer.

:: Julie 6/17/2002 05:50:00 PM [+] ::
Apparently, MSNBC is thinking about bowing to anti-Israel forces applying pressure to pull Alan Keyes "Making Sense" show.

You can find information about that at Israel Insider.

Why don't you express your views in support of Alan and his clear, non-PC-laden voice?

Pulling Alan Keyes' show does not Make Sense!

:: Julie 6/17/2002 11:25:00 AM [+] ::
:: Thursday, June 13, 2002 ::
Psalms 23, a psalm of David:

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
  • He provides it all to me

He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me besides still waters
  • He knows what's best for me

He restores my soul.
  • When I feel miles away from Him, he brings me quietly back into His fold.

He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake.
  • His Name, HaShem, boldly beckons me to follow.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
  • My 14-year-old cat, Biz, has cancer.

I will fear no evil: for Thou [art] with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.
  • Who better to comfort me than the Creator of all living beings, including cats?

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies
  • Even though Satan torments me with the impending loss of my cat, Christ stands ready to serve me

Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
  • He loves me so much!

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life
  • As long as I firmly keep my eyes on Him

and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.
  • Only because Christ became the payment for sin on the cross for me (and you)

:: Julie 6/13/2002 05:19:00 PM [+] ::
:: Thursday, June 06, 2002 ::
Some would call me a homophobe.

Some would call me intolerant. Some would say narrow-minded. Some unloving. Some hateful.

But I gotta say it anyway.

Rosie O'Donnell was not born a lesbian.

How on Earth do I know that?

Listen to this from The Movie Club Spotlight "...After her mother died when O'Donnell was 10, she had to make it as the middle child in a family of five kids left virtually alone with an emotionally distant father."

What you have there is a classic recipe for lesbianism: Her Mom dies when she is young. She now seeks that female love, the female bonding that she missed during her formative teen years sans Mother.

Her father was emotionally distant. Why in the world would she need a man, anyway, if her own father didn't want to have anything to do with her?

She is the middle child. Nominally, middle children get "lost" in the family and later "turn to rebel against the status quo". What better way to rebel than to be a lesbian?

Rosie also uses her forte as a middle child mediator/soother to let everyone know it's not only OK to be lesbian, but it's OK for lesbians to raise children.

Just don't let her convince you that she was born that way.

What's my point? Well, if Rosie was not born that way, then she and other gays and lesbians do have a choice on whether they continue on in the homosexual lifestyle or not. Since homosexuality is a result of reactions within a person to a difficult or abusive childhood, then, with counseling and/or therapy, a homosexual can identify and work through and heal those incidents in which they were hurt, abused, or ignored. Healing and forgiveness comes by working through the pain, not sweeping it under the rug. Homosexuals can choose a different path. They've just been told that they cannot change because they were born that way. Posh.

Let's pray for Rosie - for healing of those old wounds from her childhood!

:: Julie 6/06/2002 04:20:00 PM [+] ::
:: Friday, May 31, 2002 ::
Just where are our priorities, anyway?

-----<begin quote>-----
Three federal judges on Friday threw out a federal law that would have forced public libraries to equip computers with software designed to block access to Internet pornography.

In a 195-page decision, the judges said the Children's Internet Protection Act went too far because it also blocking access to sites that contained protected speech.

"Any public library that adheres to CIPA's conditions will necessarily restrict patrons access to a substantial amount of protected speech in violation of the First Amendment," the judges wrote.
-----<end quote>-----

So in other words, it's more important to protect "Free Speech" than it is to protect children.

That is sickening.

:: Julie 5/31/2002 06:34:00 AM [+] ::
:: Thursday, May 30, 2002 ::
You're on the plane, and it has just completed takeoff and has leveled out at 30,000 feet.

Suddenly, a nervous-looking person starts making a commotion, shouting in a foreign language. What happens next?

You hope there is a Sky Marshall on board. What if there is not? Do you charge this person or persons and try to apprehend them until you land? Do you pray and hope everything works out and this is just a person who has an electrolyte imbalance?

I think each airline flying to/from or within the US should be required to include instructions on what to do if a situation such as this occurs inflight during their, "this is how you latch and unlatch your seatbelt" tips. Should we follow the flight attendant's lead? Should we shout loudly to confuse would-be terrorists, or be quiet so instructions can be heard? Should we stay seated or should we attack? Can we get on our cellphones to call for help, or would that mess up navigation/communication?

Same thing with incidents on the ground. There should be Public Service Announcements on all cable and network channels, educating the US population on what to do about suspicious packages or people and a coordinated 1-800 number to call for input. Perhaps there's already something like that now, and, if so, that information needs to be disseminated better!

Why are we not doing more to equip/educate the American population on thwarting attacks? Is that because most of us are content to sit on our Laurels and wait for the Government to take care of us?

I wanna know what I personally can do in case of a terrorist attack, and also what I need to look out for to thwart attacks.

Why isn't this information getting out?

:: Julie 5/30/2002 11:59:00 AM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, May 29, 2002 ::
Why in the world do I go this long without blogging??

:: Julie 5/29/2002 01:45:00 PM [+] ::
:: Thursday, May 23, 2002 ::
Can Satan occupy/influence/"possess" a building (as opposed to a person)?

We were talking a lunch a few minutes ago about a local church that seems to have an "oppressive" atmosphere inside.

Could it be some of Satan's demons inhabiting the facility causing the oppressiveness, or do they only influence living beings?

What does the Bible have to say about this? (All quotes from the NIV);
Matthew 8:31, "The demons begged Jesus, "If you drive us out, send us into the herd of pigs." Mark 16:9, "When Jesus rose early on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had driven seven demons."
I couldn't quickly find any passages relating to demons "possessing" an inanimate object, so I think the answer is, "No, demons cannot possess a building."

Therefore, the oppressive atmosphere at this church must either be demons influencing/possessing individuals in the congregation, or it's just a case of bad lighting and decades of remodeling funding deficits...

Anyone have any experience with entering a seemingly empty demonically oppressed facility/building?

:: Julie 5/23/2002 09:40:00 AM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, May 21, 2002 ::
I agree with Andrew about the need to "break out of the Christian Ghetto."

We Christians need to get out of our exclusive Christian-only circles and breathe life into this dead world. Butt heads with those that don't hold our views. Rub salt in wounds, if needed. Offer a hand of encouragement to those that are hurting. Stand up, stand up for Jesus!

Now, do you not think I'm a little nervous about stepping out into the cold, cruel world? You'd better believe it!

But if I have a safe haven like Bloggedy Blog or Dead Yet Living or Martin Roth Online or How Now Brown Pau to run back to, for accountability, for support, for rubbing elbows with like-minders, then I will be OK.

Since my feet are on the Solid Rock of Christ, my future is secure, no matter what I venture in to. I will be OK. The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?

We need to get the Light out! What better way to do that than to link to other non-Christian sites with the thought that they will reciprocate, and engage non-believers on message boards and chat rooms?

Reach out. Shake 'em up. Offer hope. Hit 'em between the eyes. Meekly and mildly, of course.

Jesus asks us to do just that.

:: Julie 5/21/2002 10:24:00 AM [+] ::
Check out the coolness and insight of How Now Brown Pau?

:: Julie 5/21/2002 04:17:00 AM [+] ::
I hate it when I go this long without posting.

But, you know, life still goes on without me...

So, they say it's just a matter of time before homicide bombings begin in the U.S. I think that actions like that will not "kill enough people" or "create enough impact," and thus won't happen with the regularity that goes on in Israel.

But just the thought of it happening in your town, your mall, your shopping area, your arena, your stadium is frightening, isn't it?

That's exactly what anyone who would do such a thing would want: to strike fear into our hearts. We must be as diligent as possible, being as wise as serpents, but innocent as doves. (Matthew 10:16).

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for God to protect the U.S. We have turned from Him, but if we turn back to Him, he will heal our land. He may not protect us from every homicide bombing or other act of terrorism, domestic or international, but if we turn back to Him, He will bless us tremendously.

Pray to Jehovah God today.

:: Julie 5/21/2002 04:13:00 AM [+] ::
:: Monday, May 06, 2002 ::
I'm thrilled to find a comprehensive list of other Christian Bloggers online. You'll find it at Martin Roth's website.

Martin had a very interesting path to Christ that shows the love of the Lord and how He doesn't give up on us. Born to a Jewish father and Anglican mother, Martin wove his way through Buddhism, sake, the Japanese stock market and even karaoke, before landing firmly in an Australian Baptist church.

Isn't the Lord God wonderful?

He calls to us, gently, ever so calmly, through the storms, the drugs, the alcohol, the turmoil, the pain, the other religions to bring us to Him. He knocks gently, patiently.

Just crack the door of your heart open to Him. You don't even have to open it very wide. He welcomes you, desires daily fellowship with you!

Come just as you are.

:: Julie 5/06/2002 03:44:00 AM [+] ::
:: Saturday, May 04, 2002 ::
Check out the photos from our trip to Portugal.

:: Julie 5/04/2002 02:27:00 PM [+] ::
:: Thursday, May 02, 2002 ::
We're baaaack! We had a wonderful, blessed time in the Algarve region of Portugal.

Our missionary hosts, Norman and Gunita Harrell, are committed servants of Christ and were splendid, patient, kind, caring and filled with hospitality as well as the Holy Spirit!

Our choir was attacked by Satan when he tried to bring several of us down with colds and flu-like symptoms, but through the grace of God and the prayers of those back home and in Portugal, we perservered and were able to sing at six different locations in the Algarve: Faro, Portimao, Olhao, Lagos, Loule and Alfandanga.

Thanks be to our Lord Jesus Christ who kept us safe and allowed us to encourage other believers as we were encouraged as well!

This was a trip that was muito bom (very good), and helped us walk closer with Jesus, who "me dá forca, gôzo, paz, propósito, esperança, vida eterna e amor" - gives me strength, joy, peace, purpose, hope, eternal life, and love.


:: Julie 5/02/2002 07:39:00 AM [+] ::
:: Saturday, April 20, 2002 ::
Our church choir will be traveling to Faro and Portimao Portugal to sing for the Lord Jesus.

We will be there from Tuesday, April 23 to Tuesday, April 30.

Please pray for the hearts of those we will meet in Portugal and that we would be worthy ambassadors of Christ Jesus!

:: Julie 4/20/2002 02:49:00 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 ::
There will never be peace in the Middle East.

It started with Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac, and continues today. And will continue.

Some Palestinians want to drive Israel into the sea.

Some Israelis want the Land that was given to them by God.

Both want to exist in the same space. This sets up conflict, terror, death.

There will never be peace in the Middle East.

No, not until Messiah Jesus returns and sets up His Kingdom on Earth!

:: Julie 4/17/2002 05:20:00 AM [+] ::
:: Monday, April 08, 2002 ::
After you've checked out bloggedy blog, check out another awesome one, Dead Yet Living.


:: Julie 4/08/2002 05:18:00 PM [+] ::
I figured out why I was in a major funk about a month ago.

I was trying to be God.

You see, my heart was heavy for reasons unknown. I wondered if I was affected by the death of the innocent 7 year old, Danielle van Dam (I was, but that wasn't the source of my deep funk). I wondered if it was work-related. I wondered if the remodeling at our house was causing it.

Nope, I was trying to play God.

I was trying to be the one who convicts people of their errant ways and to show them The Way, Jesus Christ. While I can show them The Way through my words and deeds, I cannot convict them; that is God's job (or, more specifically the job of the Holy Spirit).

So there I was, little mortal sinful me, trying to be God. I can emulate, follow, and honor Him, but, obviously, I can't be Him.

So, the huge funk was lifted off my weary shoulders as I threw the burden back on the Shoulders on which they should have been in the first place. Actually, the burden was on His shoulders the whole time, but I couldn't see it through my deep well of sorrow and hurt over those that do not have Christ Jesus in their hearts.

What about you? What burdens do you carry? I encourage you to throw them on the Saviour, Jesus, for His burden is easy and His yoke is light.

:: Julie 4/08/2002 05:56:00 AM [+] ::
:: Sunday, April 07, 2002 ::
Afflict the comfortable; comfort the afflicted.

:: Julie 4/07/2002 04:22:00 PM [+] ::
:: Thursday, April 04, 2002 ::
I'm always interested in other blogs that link to mine. I've found one that I really like: bloggedy blog.

Check out Andrew's writings on daily events. You'll be glad you did.

:: Julie 4/04/2002 04:47:00 AM [+] ::
:: Sunday, March 31, 2002 ::
He is Risen. He is Risen, indeed!

Notice it is not, "He has Risen," because that implies it could have changed since then. (e.g., "He has Risen, but died again." Or, "He has Risen, but now He's off making supernovas and doesn't have time for us peons.")

NO! He is Risen! And still Risen this very minute as you are reading this, interceding at the Right Hand of the Father for those of us who have placed our trust and faith in Him. (Hebrews 12:22, "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." [NIV])

We say "He is Risen" because of the empty tomb. Jesus has risen from the dead! He is alive! He was crucified for my sins and your sins, but just as He prophesied, He was raised in three days.

No other religion claims a risen savior. No other religion has an empty tomb.

If the resurrection is false, as some claim, or if Judas died in Jesus' place, or if He just swooned, or if someone stole the body, or if all the eyewitnesses were lying, then all of Christianity is a sham, a farce.

If the resurrection is a lie, then Christianity itself is a lie, because Christians proclaim that God Himself was raised from the dead. What blasphemy and lying it would be to claim that God did something so extraordinary on our behalf and for it to not be true!

But lives were changed that day on which He arose! Fearful, doubting Thomases proclaimed Jesus as God. James, the brother of Jesus believed He was God after His resurrection. Apostles and disciples suffered horrible and cruel deaths because of their proclamation of Jesus as the one, true, living God after His resurrection.

Would they all die for a lie?? Would you??

The historically documented fact is that Jesus was crucified for all sin and that He was raised on the third day, just like He said He would.

Believe on Christ Jesus today by asking Him to come into your heart to be your the Lord of your life and the Saviour of your soul.

He is Risen. He is Risen, Indeed!

:: Julie 3/31/2002 10:25:00 AM [+] ::
:: Thursday, March 28, 2002 ::
What will people do when they see that I'm a "Jesus Freak?"

This line, from a popular dcTalk song, can be answered by one word: leave.

I've noticed in the hitlog for this blog that most visitors stay about one second. They see that I'm about Jesus Christ, and they don't want to have anything to do with that.

What a shame.

As Christians around the world celebrate Passion Week, there are non-Christians (and some "Christians") totally ignoring this awesome occurrence.

What a shame.

Why is it that folks do not want to deal with Jesus Christ, Y'shua HaMaschiach? Why is it that they want to turn to Mother Earth, or Buddha, or the teachings of Mohammed or David Koresh or Joseph Smith or Charles Taze Russell instead?

The amazing thing about people turning away from Jesus Christ is that He said it would happen. Narrow is the way to Heaven through Jesus Christ and wide is the path of destruction to an eternity apart from Him.

Y'shua ben Yosef ben David ben HaShem came 2000 years ago as the sacrificial lamb for all people for all time for all sin. Perhaps folks who visit this blog don't want to face the magnitude of their own sin and thus can't get past that to see the beauty of the free gift of absolution from those very sins through Jesus. Perhaps it is uncool to believe in Jesus. Perhaps people don't like to be told what to believe.

Perhaps people reading this blog don't understand the magnitude of their missing out on the free gift of Jesus. Perhaps they've been lied to before by someone in the church or hurt by a trusted Christian friend or pastor.

There are many excuses. There are many reasons to reject Christ Jesus. But that does not change facts. He came to save us all. And those that don't choose Him will be separated from Him and His goodness, lovingkindness and mercy forever.

What a shame!

:: Julie 3/28/2002 08:23:00 AM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 ::
"What will you do with Jesus?"

This is a line in the Easter drama we'll be doing on Easter Eve.

Jesus life can historically be confirmed by writings outside the Bible, such as Josephus. He lived and died on this Earth.

He was born of woman and followed Joseph into carpentry.

He did all these normal human things: He wept, He got angry, he was tired.

So, in that case, Jesus of Nazareth was quite ordinary. He experienced all the emotions we experience.

He also happens to be the only person in history that fulfilled the prophecies concerning Messiah in the Old Testament. How many of us can claim that? How many have claimed that over the years and have fallen away, e.g. Shimeon Bar-Kochba?

Jesus was not only human, He is divine. He is God.

And yet, as He boldly stands at the door of your heart and knocks, He will not force Himself on you. He wants you to open your heart to Him and reach out to Him. You are not His puppet, but He wants to be your King.

What will you do with Jesus? It really is the most important question of your life. If you choose Him, you will live eternally with Him in Heaven. If you reject Him, you will live eternally apart from Him in Hell. It really is that simple.

What will you do with Him?

:: Julie 3/19/2002 04:19:00 AM [+] ::
:: Thursday, March 07, 2002 ::
I haven't posted lately, because I've been in a major funk.

The frustrating thing about my funk is that I can't figure out why I'm in it in the first place!

Is it my anger (see next post) over the death of an innocent 7 year old girl? Is it the building frustration I have at work, creating seemingly endless plans and schedules, only to not have the personnel to support those plans and schedules? Is it the fact that we're doing some major remodeling at home?

Or is it my disappointment and utter frustration at my seeming inabililty to make a difference in anyone's life for Christ?

The deep, very deep well of sorrow and hurt over those that do not have Christ Jesus in their hearts overwhelms me sometimes. I feel this way because I believe the Bible is very clear: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved..." (Acts 16:31). Therefore, those that don't believe on the Lord Jesus Christ will not be saved from an eternity separated from God. They will die and face eternal torment and the inability to be with God.

Some may say, so what? Big deal! Hell is just a place for pitchforks and partying with the other non-believers for eternity. How could that be so bad?

That's just what Satan wants people to believe, that Hell is just a place like that.

But Hell is actually a place where those who choose not to accept Christ into their hearts go after they die. No second chances. A place totally void of love, peace and light. Where wailing and gnashing of teeth go on forever.

And just what am I doing to encourage people to choose Christ?

Perhaps my funk is because I'm not doing enough.

:: Julie 3/07/2002 03:47:00 AM [+] ::
:: Friday, March 01, 2002 ::
They've found Danielle Van Dam's body. Danielle was apparently abducted from her home by a neighbor and killed.

For some reason, this crime evokes great anger in me, moreso than other similar crimes. Why is that?

I feel such un-Christian-like anger toward the alleged abductor that it frightens me. I sometimes feel like I literally want to kill him with my bare hands. To inflict great physical harm to him, especially to his gonads.

Perhaps this situation reminds me subconsciously of something that happened to me when I was 7 years old? Something I've buried very deep because I cannot face its horrible reality?

Or perhaps this situation reminds me of the sinfulness of us all and how evil pervades our society and spirit. We started in the Garden of Eden and we've continued since then by willfully and purposefully committing acts of vileness and horrible atrocities that are shameful and not worthy of the Image in which we were created.

How can we overcome evil? How can we overcome Satan? The Bible is clear. Resist Satan and he will flee from you. All we must do is resist him and he will flee. By keeping our eyes on Christ.

By loving our neighbor.

How can I love someone that commits heinous crimes? By looking past their facade and into their lost soul and realizing they need help. If they refuse help, then punish them according to the laws of the land.

And remember that final justice is in these words, "Revenge is Mine, saith the Lord."

:: Julie 3/01/2002 03:50:00 AM [+] ::
:: Monday, February 25, 2002 ::
 Some of my girlfriends and I were talking at lunch today at work. One said she thought that our genetics make up 75% of our personality and tendencies.

I think it's just the opposite: I believe only 25% of our genetics determines who we are and how we act and 75% is the environment in which we grew up. The relationship with our parents or parental substitutes as we were growing up influenced our personas a great deal.

Still, even if 100% of our personality came from genetics, that doesn't mean we can't choose differently. For instance, my Dad was an alcoholic. His Dad was an alcoholic. Does that mean I'm going to be an alcoholic? Well, according to some researchers, there's a better chance than not that I am an alcoholic. And, as a matter of fact, with my past history of drinking waaay too much and not being able to stop easily, I consider myself an alcoholic.

Does that mean I still drink? Nope. I choose to not go down that path, even though it's sometimes all I can stand to not zip in to a gas mart for a cool tall boy, especially on days that I'm very, very stressed.

How do I keep from the temptation to drink? I choose to throw it upon the Lord Jesus, who covers my temptations with His sacrifice at Calvary.

Even the homosexual who has been told that he or she was born that way can choose to resist the urge to have sexual relations with someone of his or her own sex. "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God."

"And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God." I Corinthians 6:9-11b

Did you see "and such were some of you?" That means there were some that were fornicators, some idolaters, some adulterers, some homosexuals, etc., etc., that were that way. But through Jesus, they are washed, cleansed, sanctified! They (and I) can choose to turn from these harmful practices.

If you struggle, whether you were born with that struggle or not, you do have a choice to get help. Don't let anyone else tell you differently!

:: Julie 2/25/2002 05:42:00 PM [+] ::
:: Friday, February 22, 2002 ::
Heard on a tape by Larry Poland, CEO of Mastermedia International:

"Salvation is not what you know, it's Who you know."

:: Julie 2/22/2002 03:10:00 AM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 ::
OK, let's say you're right.

You believe that there are many ways to God, and we're all just on a big wheel with many spokes that lead toward the center, which is God.

That way, you win, and I win. Pretty good, huh?

Now, let's say the Bible is right, and Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father (God) except through Him (John 14:6). Therefore, Jesus is the only spoke on the wheel.

Now, we're in a win-lose situation! I win, because I believe Jesus is Who He says He is, and you lose by spending eternity separated from God who loved you enough to show you the Way!

Don't bet your life and eternity on a roulette wheel of "many paths to God!" "Place your bet" on Jesus, the One who has lived and died and lives again so that you may join Him forever by opening your heart to Him and asking Him inside.

What have you got to lose? I lost a life of alcohol, unsettledness, and emptiness. I gained joy, peace and purpose! And the assurance of eternal life.

What is keeping you from trusting Christ? Join the Way! You have everything to gain.

:: Julie 2/20/2002 02:37:00 AM [+] ::
:: Friday, February 15, 2002 ::
"To some He's just a name...but to me He's my everything! I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ."

This is a line from a song we're singing this Sunday in church (yes, I know the website doesn't work with Opera...our church don't do opera).

How many times have you heard the name "Jesus Christ!" not in a reverent way? As a curse word or epithet?

Have you ever wondered why you never hear someone use Mohammed's name that way? Or Buddha's? Or Krishna's? Or David Koresh's?

That's because Jesus is unique in that He is God! Not just a great prophet, or teacher, or Rabbi or overall good person. He is God. Why else would His name be used as an anathema, if He wasn't actually God?

Just think on that...

:: Julie 2/15/2002 05:37:00 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, February 12, 2002 ::
I think we're officially back.

Back to where we were before Sept. 11.

The new Schwarzenegger film, "Collateral Damage," was just released now instead of last October because the Sept. 11 attacks were just too fresh for this kind of movie back then.

Have we healed enough to be ready for this movie? What about those that lost family members Sept 11? Are they ready to see this kind of film?

Are the firefighters who lost their lives Sept. 11 less of heroes now since Schwarzenegger kicks booty instead of giving his life to save others?

Are New Yorkers honking furiously at each other again? Do you personally feel road rage when behind the wheel - not giving the other person the benefit of the doubt? Is that how you were before Sept. 11?

I know I am less patient with people in general, just like I was before Sept .11. I changed after the attacks, but I'm back to my same ol' rut(s) again.

How many of those who sought God and found Him amidst the carnage in NYC and at the Pentagon still walk with Him daily?

We're back, I tell you. Back to our self-absorbed pre-Sept. 11 ways. Just ask Schwarzenegger.

:: Julie 2/12/2002 06:32:00 PM [+] ::
:: Saturday, February 09, 2002 ::
So, in Rhea County TN, home of the infamous "Scopes Monkey Trial," a federal judge "ordered an end to Bible classes that have been taught for 51 years in the public schools" because the schools "acted with both purpose and effect to endorse and advance religion in the public schools."

Well, now, ain't that terrible in this time of global terrorism to be teaching religion?

Yeah, yeah, what about separation of church and state, you say?

There ain't no such law or commandment on the books of this country, thankyouverymuch.

Not only that, but there were two children (represented by their parents, of course) that brought this suit to trial. What about the other hundreds of children and parents that want this kind of religious education?

Oh, yeah, they're supposed to get that in church, right? What if they don't? What if their parents are happy to sleep in on Sundays, knowing their children will get a Bible education whilst at school on weekdays? (Not that I think that's right - sleeping in on Sundays - but I digress).

And listen to this horrible curriculum that they're forcing down the kids' throats in this Bible class: "Attached to the judge's decision was a series of lesson plans used in the Bible classes, including one for kindergarten students in which the room lights were turned off while students were told to pretend the batteries in their flashlights were dead. 'It will be scary for a while, but then we find the light - just like the Bible - is our source of light, and life isn't so scary anymore,' according to the lesson plan."

Man, that's really something I wouldn't want to have taught to my kids...

:: Julie 2/09/2002 05:51:00 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 ::
What price glamour?

Greta Van Susteren, the Fox Network's new talk acquisition, has had facial surgery to alter her looks.

"I did it on a whim because CNN benched me for a month when they found out I wanted to come here to work," Van Susteren [said]..." "I looked in the mirror and thought, 'Should I get rid of this or not?'"

My thought is, why bother? She was engaging and insightful as she was. I certainly didn't agree with some of her views, but she was effective as an interviewer.

Here I go quoting Scripture again: "And I want women to be modest in their appearance. They should wear decent and appropriate clothing and not draw attention to themselves by the way they fix their hair or by wearing gold or pearls or expensive clothes." 1 Timothy 2:9 (NLT)

I wonder if St. Paul also meant to include warnings against going under the knife? I guess not, since it's not there in Scripture. Also, Paul was telling Timothy how a woman was supposed to dress in public worship, and since there ain't no worshipping goin' on on Van Sustreren's show, then I guess it's OK.

I sure wouldn't subject myself to that kind of surgery!

:: Julie 2/06/2002 03:03:00 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, February 04, 2002 ::
Man, those pyrads really increased my hits! That, and getting near the top of the bloghop "Best" list...

I'm pseudo-honored to be mentioned in two blogs: this one is quite thought-provoking, and this one is just plain provoking!

:: Julie 2/04/2002 04:45:00 AM [+] ::
:: Thursday, January 31, 2002 ::
"Observe the sabbath day to keep it holy, as the Lord your God commanded you. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath...you shall not do any work." Deuteronomy 5:12-14

I got a call two Sunday mornings ago from a telemarketer.

I was getting ready for church as usual, when the phone rang.


A second of silence, then "Hello? Mrs. Moore? I'm so-and-so calling on behalf of the Paralyzed Veterans of America..."

"Hmmm," I thought, "what's up with this? It's Sunday morning! Shouldn't this guy be in church instead?"

"Mrs. Moore, I am a telemarketer working on behalf of the PVA..."

"Uh, excuse me, before you go on any further. How much of my contribution would go to your company and how much would go toward the PVA?"

"Ma'am, you'll have to call this 1-800 number to find that out."

"Well, then, I'll do that. And, by the way, I don't appreciate you calling me on Sunday morning. I'm getting ready for church, and this is supposed to be a day of rest."

"Yes, ma'am, I understand, but you have to understand that this is one of the best times to catch people at home..."

So, their purpose is to catch soft-hearted Christians on their way to church, and to catch those that don't go to church by waking them up on their day to sleep-in. Good marketing plan.

As for me and my household, we shall serve the Lord, and we shall not be giving money to the PVA.

:: Julie 1/31/2002 04:14:00 AM [+] ::
:: Saturday, January 26, 2002 ::
Monday, January 28 is the 16th anniversary of the Challenger accident.

I was standing outside of my office, as we did for every launch, watching it all happen. I was a NASA employee at the Kennedy Space Center.

At first, when I saw the solid rocket boosters flying free and the big white cloud of gas where the Orbiter should have been, I panicked and thought, "Oh, no, I'm supposed to cover a Return to Launch Site Abort (RTLS), and my vehicle placard is in my office!"

I just couldn't fathom that the Orbiter had been broken apart by aerodynamic forces.

I also couldn't fathom later how God could cause this to happen.

You see, I was not a Christian then, but after the Challenger accident, I began to ask God "WHY?!" And, through a Christian boyfriend of mine, God began to speak to me.

God told me through His Word, the Bible, that He does love me, but I still had lots of questions. How could someone who lived 2000 years ago have any influence on me or even care about me? How come some people die undeservedly? What's it all about, anyway?

The end result over a year later, on April Fool's Day 1987 was that I finally decided that to get all my questions answered, I needed to heed to what the Bible said in John 14:6 where Jesus said, "I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."

To get my questions answered, I had to go through Jesus. ""Fine," I thought. "I'll ask Jesus into my heart like the Bible says and see if He answers my questions." Right there in my car on my way to work that morning, I told Jesus I was a sinner and asked for His forgiveness and asked Him to be Lord.

No bells flashed, no sirens rang, but I sure was relieved that I'd finally get answers to my questions. And, I did.

God used the Challenger accident to bring me to Him. He allowed it to happen so that many would question life, faith, death and their own actions. He did not cause it to happen, he allowed it to happen because we have turned our backs on Him for so long.

If we seek His face, He will bless us. If we turn from Him, He withdraws His blessing. Just look at Israel. More people die there almost every week than the seven we lost in the Challenger accident.

Let's turn to God!

:: Julie 1/26/2002 05:59:00 AM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 ::
K-mart is Blue-Light Specialing itself today. Filed for bankruptcy protection.

You know why this happened? Because K-mart had bowed to the worldly god of filth, violence and immorality.

And Christians voiced their dismay and then boycotted. I sure did.

And now, K-mart's demise is full. I'm sure my and your taxpayer dollars will bail them out, as well as Enron, but still, this could be a lesson to other discount superstores: watch what you're putting out there in your store for consumers.

If the bottom line is $$$ and selling trash, you may end up with none of the former and plenty of the latter.

:: Julie 1/22/2002 02:09:00 PM [+] ::
Today is the 29th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion in the Roe v. Wade case.

Since that decision, almost 30 million human beings have been aborted.

30 million.

Was one of those 30 million children your sister? Your brother? Mom, Dad, was that your very own child?

Some say that Roe v. Wade gave a woman the right to choose what happens to her own body. I am pro-choice, of sorts. Let me explain.

Usually, "Pro-Choice" refers to someone who believes that a woman has the right to do with her own body what she wants; she makes the choices as to what happens to it. So, if an unwanted pregnancy happens, a "Pro-Choice" woman believes she has the right to terminate that pregnancy by abortion, no matter where she is in her pregnancy term.

I subscribe to the belief that a woman should be "Pro-Choice" before she becomes pregnant. She chooses to refrain from using her body to have sex outside of marriage! It is in that sense that I am "pro-choice!"

This same woman who cries for her rights to kill her unborn baby is the same woman who should not have gotten pregnant in the first place! It takes two to tango, and the choices she makes before having sex (not afterward!) are most important.

Yes, there are cases of rape. Yes, there are cases of incest. Would I personally want to carry a baby to term that is a product of rape, or a product of a man whom I thought loved me, then ran off?

No, I would not, but then again, there are so very many loving couples in this world trying desperately to have a baby, and I suggest I could overcome my hate for the man that did that to me by offering a gift to a childless couple by placing that innocent life up for adoption. Is it not written in Romans 12:21, "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good?"

Life is precious. Choose life!

:: Julie 1/22/2002 03:44:00 AM [+] ::
:: Monday, January 21, 2002 ::
Today we celebrate the January 15, 1929 birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

This man really inspires me. He spoke so very eloquently, so forcefully, so passionately! He spoke with reason, with conviction, with love.

Dr. King called upon Christians to be Christ-like, where there is no Jew or Greek, no male or female, no slave or free under Christ Jesus. To do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with thy God!

I cannot wait to get to Heaven to say hello to him, to shake his hand, give him a big hug and tell him how much I appreciated his pursuit of a better world for all people, but especially equal rights for Persons of Color. Created equally by a loving God.

How much we need to see every person as a beautiful creation of God, no matter what their skin hue! To treat our neighbors as Jesus would have treated them. Yes, Jesus was angry with some people like the moneychangers who defiled the Temple, but walked daily and sought out sinners like myself for healing, justice, and mercy.

Dr. King was that kind of person: Christ-like. Reaching people for Christ, standing up for injustice, convicting people of their sin. We need more people today like Martin Luther King, Jr.!

:: Julie 1/21/2002 07:17:00 AM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 ::
Why I am a narrow-minded right-wing young-earth creationist simpleton:

Jesus Christ.

Pretty short answer for such a long descriptor, eh? Well, when you get right down to brass tacks (whatever that is), He is the reason why I am what I am.

And He is the Great I Am!

Therefore, as a child of Jesus Christ, it's up to me to not only know, but to share, that He is the Way the Truth and the Life; that no person comes to the Father except through Him (John 14:6). Therefore, I must be "narrow-minded" because God Himself said that Jesus is the Only Way to Him.

I'm right-wing because my political ideologies pretty much line up with those the media and other left-wingers call "right wing."

I'm a young Earth creationist because I believe what God wrote in Genesis is true, historical, literal fact. Not allegory, and there's no room for gaps or millions of years. It says in Genesis, "evening and morning the first day," and in other parts of the Old Testament, the Hebrew word "yom," or "day" means 24 hours. Therefore, it took God 6 literal days and therefore the Earth is only ~6000 years old. Fitting millions of years or gaps into the equation is trying to fit man's falliable intrepretation of the geologic and astronomic data into God's perfect creation.

And, I'm a simpleton, because God's message is simple. He loves you, he has created a Way for you to be with Him forever, and all you must do is simply accept His gift. Eternal life comes through the personal acceptance of Jesus atoning death and resurrection. It's just that simple.

Come just as you are!

:: Julie 1/16/2002 09:44:00 AM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 ::

Talk about feeling out of place!

I am at a week-long conference where the conference hotel is the Ritz-Carlton. Now, I may be from East Tennessee, but I do wear shoes and have only umbrellas in my gun rack in my 4x4 pickup truck. So, on a scale of hickiness, I'd say I'm about a 4 (with 10 being hickiest).

But, still, it's odd to walk the halls of this hotel and be greeted constantly with "Good Day, how are you?" and "Good evening, how was your day?" by hotel staff also walking the halls. And I hear the conference banquet/buffet tonight is upwards of $70/head. And there is nothing but valet parking! So, every time I want to leave, I gotta fork over $1 or $2 for someone to bring my car up front.

Part of this is good; the chocolates on my pillow, the USA Today outside my door in the morning, the rose on my $12.00 chicken sandwich lunch tray.

I see hotel guests in dinner jackets and pearls, obviously wealthy, and yet aloof. No smiles on their faces, just seriousness or averted looks. And I wonder, "are they happy?"

Does money buy happiness? Even from my 4-on-a-scale-of-10 hickiness, I observe that it doesn't. Maybe that's why I feel out of place at this hotel - it's not the money/opulence part of staying here, it's the happiness (or lack of a true, deep, real, lasting happiness) part.

Luke 6:24, ""What sorrows await you who are rich, for you have your only happiness now." (New Living Translation)

:: Julie 1/08/2002 03:02:00 PM [+] ::
:: Saturday, January 05, 2002 ::
I am an idiot.

I was not wanting to go to my church choir's Easter music (early) practice this morning from 0830-1200, because we'd done it two years ago and I felt like I knew it and didn't need the practice. Basically, honestly, truthfully, I'm lazy and wanted to surf the 'Net instead of going to practice.

As we went over the songs at practice, I recalled vivid scenes in my imagination from our performance two years ago. Jesus being scourged, nailed to the cross, dying...and His resurrection. All this He did for me! (And you)!

And suddenly, I felt small. Very small. I wanted to piddle around the 'Net or work on my car, instead of singing God's glory!

What an idiot.

:: Julie 1/05/2002 03:22:00 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, January 01, 2002 ::

:: Julie 1/01/2002 09:07:00 AM [+] ::

Dotson Memorial Baptist Church, Maryville TN

So, why would I call myself "Narrow-Minded Simpleton," a moniker that is usually launched with derision towards far-right Christian "lunatics" who quote the Bible all the time and think there's only one (simple) Way to Heaven?

If the shoe fits...

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